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An Inside Look on how the Clarity Team is Working From Home!

Announcements Event Industry May 05, 2020 Gary Lagestee 5 min read

Working From Home Tips

Well, folks, it looks like we are going to be working remotely for longer than originally anticipated...yay. The Clarity team may be going a little stir crazy, but we are geared up and are in this for the long haul. Being that we are several weeks into this new normal that was sent straight from hell, we all have our designated remote working stations solidified and are doing our best to keep our spirits up! We wanted to take this time to share with you what Clarity is doing as a team to keep morale and productivity up while we are all working remotely. 

Still communicating with team members


The Clarity culture is alive and well! Just because we aren’t in the office together doesn’t mean that the culture of our company has to change at all. We are still in constant communication with each other at all times throughout the day...probably more than some of us would like.

We use Slack to chat with each other and Zoom to video conference so we can still do things as face to face as we can. We are still staying connected and working as a team to get things done. We are working together to help our clients with both the short-term plan to get through this time as well as the long-term plan once the global crisis is over.

If anything, this quarantine has brought us all closer together. When we are on Zoom or on the phone with each other we can hear everything...and I mean everything that is going on. We have heard the dogs barking, significant others who didn’t know they could be heard, kids screaming...the whole 9 yards. Bottom line is we are human and with the work from home orders in place, it’s bringing the human spirit back to business which is a good thing.

Designated work area 

Working on the couch might seem fun in the short-term, but it’s not practical and your back will be stiffer than when you pulled it jumping to reach the last roll of toilet paper in the grocery store (...not that that happened to me…) But really, sitting slumped over on your couch all day isn’t good for you.

Try and have as much as a designated work area as you can. Even if you don’t have a big house with a large home office, do your best. Sit at the kitchen table to get your work done. This can help you be productive and can also separate your “work” area from your “relax” area. Take a look at some of our team’s designated work from home areas if you want a good laugh...  

Clarity Work From Home Office

This is Dylan’s adorable dog. It looks like he has a pretty good set up and has most definitely been the most productive team member during this quarantine.

Clarity Work From Home Station

Jay, who is Clarity’s Creative Director, has designated his home bar as his designated work station and we couldn’t be any prouder. Way to go Jay, cheers!

Clarity Working From Home

Rob decided he wasn’t going to be trapped in his house anymore and has made his ridiculously cool backyard his new home office. It’s all fun and games until a bee or a bird comes and interrupts your conference call Rob...

Staying positive 

With prolonged shut downs and social distancing it’s really easy to get defeated or want to pull your hair out from boredom. Are you at the point yet where even your dog doesn’t want to go on any more walks with you, or your kids are dying to go back to school because they can’t stand to watch another movie with you, because, same. Trust me, we get it. We are all getting to that point.

BUT, Clarity is trying our damndest to take this opportunity to look at the positives and come together as a team to get through this. A silver lining of COVID-19 for the event industry is the increased awareness of virtual meetings and virtual events. Before COVID-19 virtual meetings and virtual events weren’t utilized as much in our industry.

This global crisis has drawn awareness to a component of our industry that has helped people continue with their business as much as possible. 

Relaxing while being productive 

Relaxing while being productive

Working from home can be tricky because...well because you’re at home. The reality is most of the Clarity team have kids, dogs, significant others, so you probably have a good idea what they’re house looks like at this point...chaos. I mean, take a look at what's going on at Jay's house...

It’s really hard to be productive while you’re at home and have a bunch of other things going off in the background. Your dog is whining for you to throw their toys, the kids are screaming, the TV is blaring, there is crap EVERYWHERE, you should be attempting to homeschool the kids but you aren’t...you get where I’m going with this.

Typically, we associate “home” with being done for the day and being able to relax. Now that we have to integrate home with work, it can be challenging at times to be productive when we need to be productive and to relax when we need to relax because time has pretty much just blended together at this point.

It might seem impossible I know, but finding that happy balance of being relaxed and productive is important during this time. Yeah...my house might look like a bomb went off, BUT since working from home I don’t think I’ve put real shoes on once and I’ve decided drinking everyday during quarantine is now acceptable. You do you. Take this time to be comfortable in your slippers. 

Taking breaks and going outside


Like I just talked about, navigating remote work can be tough. For me, one of the hardest parts is remembering to take breaks and go outside. Since I’ve been working from home I’ve noticed I don’t take as many breaks as I do in the office. Remember to drink water and get up and move around. Walk the dog around the block, eat lunch, you know the normal things humans do. 

If you REALLY want to be a rebel, you could even take a walk through a park or beach that’s closed off. Now don’t get me wrong, we aren’t promoting you to do anything illegal and we are all for social distancing so this damn virus can be done with, but this is getting out of control.

If getting out and taking a walk is keeping you from banging your head against the wall, take the freaking walk! Ya know, just don’t touch your face because that’s just not smart if we’re being honest. Also, remember when you are done for the day, be done for the day. Lines can get blurry when you work from home, but it’s important to take this time for yourself as well. 

That’s how the Clarity Team is Working From Home!

There ya go! The Clarity team is ready to ride this out in the comfort of our own homes, slippers and all. If you are in the same boat as us and are working from home for the foreseeable future, try incorporating some of our tips and PLEASE send us a photo of your designated work station! We would love to see what you’re working with and how you’re getting through this crazy time! 

Start YOUR Experience

Gary Lagestee

Gary is the Director of Sales at Clarity Experiences.

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